The Polyester Podcast

"The Polyester Podcast" is an unapologetically feminist podcast where hosts Ione and Olivia are talking about the latest internet or pop culture drama.

When we think about the internet or pop culture drama we usually are disassociated from it. We think it's happening somewhere else, and not near us. Or can never happen to us. However, with social media platforms, we are as divided and as close as ever before. The Polyester Podcast dives into those seemingly unimportant things and explores how they affect our networks, us, and our culture.

Who would like this podcast?

If you want to change your point of view from the mainstream media and their clickbait cycles, have fun but also look into things through a feminist lens this is a podcast for you.

The polyester podcast is easy to follow, it's always covering hot topics in pop culture, and gives you all the entertainment from the messy internet through a gentle and human angle that is absent from the news.

Episode recommendations

What the "Don't Worry Darling" drama says about our cultural climate

Don't worry darling drama was simply too hilarious to miss. I appreciated the episode's journalistic approach to this niche internet drama. Turns out was more than just Harry Style's unhinged behavior, and this podcast had the timeline straight.

It was interesting to see how Twitter and the internet were unfolding this story, of course taking creative liberties on the way. It's always fascinating to see how the media treats stories of when women in conflict.

Why is everyone mad at Instagram again?

2022 is just not a good year for social media companies. While Twitter is currently crumbling under Musk, Instagram was also in turmoil this year. The endless chase to be THE place for everything and everyone (but specifically for young people) let Instagram copy every single app, including TikTok.

And not all creators were happy about the changes coming to the platform. This episode tackles the double standards social media platforms have regarding their users. How activist accounts are treated in contrast with Kim Kardashian's accounts, and how bad all those websites are for us at the end of the day.