Episode cover
Why Hope in the Midst of Despair?
March 24, 2023 · 36 min

On the trails, in silence of an adoration chapel, in the practice of shrugging our shoulders, in the dirt of the earth, in art, bread, a feast with our friends. In other words: practice. This is where Seth and his wife Amber have learned to search for signs of hope, even during a season of recovery, pandemic chaos, political turmoil. Tsh talks with Seth about this idea — looking for hope in the midst of a world that tips toward despair — and why doing so changes everything. Seth and Amber recorded their experience in a book, and they didn’t hold back.

* Seth: Newsletter | Website

* Tsh: Newsletter | Website

* Pick up a round of drinks

* Our recommended reads

* Come to Ireland with Tsh!

* Pre-order The Deep Down Things here, here, or here!

* Seth’s announcement

* Amber’s announcement

* Olga Karlovac on Instagram

* East of Eden, by John Steinbeck

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