Binging the Devil's Fruit is a bi-weekly One Piece manga readthrough podcast hosted by John "MugiwaraJM" and Austen "Jadpeanut". John, an artist/animator and long-time One Piece fan takes his friend and co-host Austen, an animation nerd who has never read One Piece before, through the series, so what better way then to document the journey! Additionally, we will also review the various movies and specials.
On this episode, while the Straw Hats prep for their trip to Sky Island, the world at large responds to their actions in Alabasta and major key players in the story are introduced.
On today's episode, Nico Robin joins the Straw Hat crew, and not a moment sooner does their next adventure begin as their next island the sky?!
On this very special episode of the podcast, we are joined by cosplay couple Trash Queen and King to watch and review the 4th One Piece film, Dead End Adventure!
On today's episode, the Straw Hats celebrate their victory and get ready to depart Alabasta and continue their adventure, but will Vivi go with them, or stay for the kingdom she fought so hard to save?