Episode cover
Asian AmeriCAN or Asian AmeriCAN’T: Disrupting the Model Minority Narrative for Asian-American Women Through Career Counseling (pt. 1)
March 19, 2023 · 55 min

In this two parter episode, Daniel as a long time educator will be reacting to our findings from me and Nicole’s research project on the status of college and high school Asian American women. Daniel has not seen our finished brochure that we prepared for our graduate class on career counseling. Today we present to him and he can expand or be surprised by our information. 

If you’d like access to our finished pdf or a printed copy of the brochure when done (graded and tested against time… jk) then check out our patreon (patreon.com/bruhabaddies), because printing, shipping, and labor will help us continue to dig. Thanks!  To be notified of its release, email us at bruhabaddies@gmail.com



Kim, Bryan, J., Choi, Y., & Kim, J. H. (2017). Understanding Asian American Student Achievement. Professional School Counseling, 21(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/2156759X18788534 Hsin. (2018). Hegemonic Gender Norms and the Gender Gap in Achievement: The Case of Asian Americans. Sociological Science, 5(32), 752–774. https://doi.org/10.15195/v5.a32 Kim, Bryan, J. G., Griffin, D., & Sharma, G. (2022). Hidden behind the model minority stereotype: Exploring disparities and the role of parent empowerment in Asian students’ college enrollment. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 50(4), 183–194. https://doi.org/10.1002/jmcd.12266 Qin, A. (2022, December 6). Applying to College, and Trying to Appear ‘Less Asian’. NY Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/02/us/asian-american-college-applications.html Kim, Bryan, J., Choi, Y., & Kim, J. H. (2017). Understanding Asian American Student Achievement. Professional School Counseling, 21(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/2156759X18788534 Hom. (2015). Understanding Asian American female college students and their sense of belonging. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Alcantar, Nguyen, B. M. D., & Maramba, D. C. (2019). Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions: The Importance of External Coalition‐Building for Supporting Internal Collaboration. New Directions for Student Services, 2019(167), 101–110. https://doi.org/10.1002/ss.20324 Mun, & Hertzog, N. B. (2019). The Influence of Parental and Self-Expectations on Asian American Women Who Entered College Early. The Gifted Child Quarterly, 63(2), 120–140. https://doi.org/10.1177/0016986218823559 Niles, S., & Harris-Bowlsbey, J. A. (2022). Career Development Interventions (6th ed.). Pearson.