Episode cover
Murray Leinster - "Sidewise in Time" (1934) | Chrononauts Episode 38.3
August 11, 2023 · 53 min

Containing Matters of Romans and Confederates.


Tremaine-era Astounding background, Murray Leinster background, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)

spoiler summary and discussion (19:50)


Ashley, Mike - "The Time Machines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Pulp magazines From the Beginning to 1950" (2001)

Bleiler, Everett - "Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years" (1998)

Davin, Eric Leif - "Pioneers of Wonder: Conversations With the Founders of Science Fiction Hardcover" (1999)

Duncan, Andy - "It's All SF: Science Fiction, Southern Fiction, and the Case of Murray Leinster" (2000)

Science Fiction Book Club - "Interview with Steven Silver and Billee Stallings" (2022) https://middletownpubliclib.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Interview-about-Murray-Leinster-website.pdf

Tymn, Marshall B. Tymn and Ashley, Mike (eds.) - "Science Fiction, Fantasy and Weird Fiction magazines" (1985)


Beck, Sam - "Neptune Rondo" (1845) https://www.loc.gov/resource/sm1845.050900.0?st=gallery