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Philosophical Queries of a Nerd: Dreams, Robots, and Other Mysteries of the Mind
May 09, 2023 · 5 min

This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/philosophical-queries-of-a-nerd-dreams-robots-and-other-mysteries-of-the-mind. Our consciousness is our sense of identity. It is our beliefs, awareness, and ability to produce active thoughts. Check more stories related to life-hacking at: https://hackernoon.com/c/life-hacking. You can also check exclusive content about #philosophy, #future, #blogging-fellowship, #writing-prompts, #robotics, #philosophy-interview, #philosophy-of-the-mind, #consciousness, and more. This story was written by: @lonewolf4719. Learn more about this writer by checking @lonewolf4719's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com. Many may think that nerds and geeks have a singular focus. They may believe that our intellectual prowess can only be contained within one topic of our interest. While this may be true sometimes, it doesn’t mean our thoughts always align with these interests. Oftentimes, like most people, our minds wander. We wonder what we would do in certain situations, what would happen if the world were a certain way, and ask ourselves questions that probably have no concrete answers (yet). In the distant future, I wouldn’t be surprised if we were counted among the philosophers of our time. In any case, we’re always asking questions. If not to others, then to ourselves. Below are some of the questions I’ve pondered, along with my thoughts on them. I hope they spark some imagination in your own mind.