If you wear busy like a badge, this conversation with Christian Time Stewardship Coach Lissa Figgins will help you redeem your time and learn to steward minutes in a way that honors your family and Christ. Today Lissa teaches us how time management is a myth and shares tips to move you from never enough time to more than enough.
Did you enjoy this conversation? If you'd like to learn more about Lissa and redeeming your time, please visit:
Lissa's Website: https://redeemhertime.com
Lissa's "Fill Your Cup First Guide": https://redeemhertime.com/fill
FREE "Redeem Your Time Masterclass": https://redeemhertime.com/masterclass
GUESS WHAT - Lissa's REDEEM Her Time Planner launches NOVEMBER 12, 2024!
But it's NOT just another planner; it's a planner + a personal coach that will daily remind you of the truth: YOU. HAVE. TIME.
This tool will help you stop MANAGING TIME as a limited resource and start STEWARDING TIME as an abundant gift.
Check it out at https://redeemhertime.com/planner