Episode cover
Telemedicine - The New Frontier in Healthcare
May 20, 2023 · 5 min

This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/telemedicine-the-new-frontier-in-healthcare. Learn the tips and best practices for managing telemedicine devices in healthcare. If you're up for a challenge, this article is for you! Check more stories related to science at: https://hackernoon.com/c/science. You can also check exclusive content about #healthcare, #healthcare-tech, #telehealth, #telemedicine, #hipaa-compliance, #device-security, #enterprise-technology, #data-privacy, and more. This story was written by: @aloklondhe. Learn more about this writer by checking @aloklondhe's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com. Telemedicine is the use of technology to provide healthcare services remotely. This can include video conferencing, remote monitoring, and other forms of communication. Choose devices that are easy to use and that are secure and compliant with HIPAA regulations. Train your doctors and patients on how to use them.