Podcast cover

Space Croutons

Goodwich Audio Productions
94 episodes   Last Updated: Apr 27, 24
Curdy was given an old, used van and a large sum of money by a mysterious benefactor with instructions to build a secret mobile studio and host a podcast to tell the stories of people who have had strange and unexplainable experiences. What do they mean? Are they connected? Can Curdy and his listeners figure it out? Quirky, science fiction storytelling with a rustic, down home feel.


Apr 27, 2024
S4E14: Brotherhood
The universe is feeling safer all the time. Especially with the revelation that there are young superheroes with their own unique powers training to help save the world. SALI and Curdy take an opportunity to meet some of them in this episode as they meet the members of the crime fighting group, the Brotherhood.
A story about talking dogs and Moon-eyed people from a self-proclaimed Dog Fitter may hold some clues to the Sleep Year problem facing SALI and Curdy. But then new stories always bring new mysteries to Space Croutons.
Mar 30, 2024
S4E12: Cthulhu
Something strange is happening, but then it is Space Croutons.  So that's to be expected. SALI and Curdy reach out to speak to scientists and great thinkers and SALI is able to contact the one and only Galileo for help.
For Trelen and his friends, a school ceramics class becomes a battle for survival when the clay Gnome art projects take on a life of their own. 
Feb 29, 2024
S4E10 Sleep Year
SALI and Curdy are in Van Helsing, testing a new self-driving app  that takes them to a very unexpectedly unexpected destination where they uncover a secret involving Leap Year.  But not everything is clear.  They and their Space Croutons crew have got work to do.
As Monsters have gone public with their needs and concerns, the Scream Actors Guild in Hollywood is considering a strike. Arty, a roving reporter is at the rally and brings a story about the horrors of working for the big film and television studios to SALI, Curdy and "Space Croutons."
Feb 03, 2024
S4E8: Alex Turbo
Who knew Nikola Tesla had a brother just as clever as he? Curdy and SALI present a story of sibling rivalry to the Nth degree as Alex Turbo tells us about an experience that led to the creation of our system of travel transportals. Strange fiction, or stranger than fiction? That's for you to decide.
Ancient writings decoded by AI... what could go wrong? Curdy and SALI present the latest discovery from the library at Alexandria. Is it authentic... or a hoax? Listen and decide for yourself.
An anonymous recording sent to Space Croutons reveals an unusual situation backstage at a  6 year Brooklyn night club residency for one of our most successful  American singer-songwriters.  Just how much AI is too much? Join Curdy and SALI for this glimpse into what is fast becoming our brave new world.
Yes, it's the holidays and Curdy and SALI present a unique sci-fi take on the various Christmas specials that fill our airwaves this time of year. If Charlie Brown is tired of his Christmas world, then why not explore some of the other options out there?