Episode cover
Catherine Johnson - The brutal truth behind Max Baer vs Frankie Campbell
November 12, 2024 · 96 min

In August 1930, Max Baer fought Frankie Campbell in a boxing fight that ended in tragedy, with Campbell losing his life due to injuries sustained during the fight. Baer was charged with manslaughter, yet was eventually acquitted of all charges. Writer Catherine Johnson has written the book 'Then The World Moved On', which goes into depth about this fight and challenges the narrative before and after it occurred. I go more in-depth with her on that fight. I also discussed with her the careers of both boxers and how Max Baer was depicted in the film Cinderella Man. Catherine's book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Then-World-Moved-Baer-Frankie-Campbell/dp/B0DFJLKLHM/ref=sr_1_5?crid=34EFFN7EJM594&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.yeyeA8362K8r4jW2Crs-GWBeISGCvOiQuncfXSJjlEAxOQ3zsEbwa_dCXXl6PC2Szr_FbfR_m2LMSz4_bZnv3SonIrTi0ANHLTRYzYPRXVJ65QK9iK0E9nlFe-tpOvBWtjGe8lmUIO91hXG_CxXhulTo4NcKb0RAIFBx9iXwx5qdlRlEzLUn9ikrMpXGTpV4Wfs07N8XOsUPl3EXhQGvReqKrvcAay3fcKNn63eetag.LRE7gc6Dq0rgYBgXyhuDwakeKI07v6sur3Ief3sAXR4&dib_tag=se&keywords=max+baer&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1731250613&s=books&sprefix=max+baer%2Cstripbooks%2C76&sr=1-5Find The 286 Project on Social Media: https://linktr.ee/the286project About The 286 Project: A podcast talking about art, politics, culture, sport....and anything else we can think of.