98% of all climate change news is gloom and doom. Not at The Climate Daily! Each weekday, co-hosts Jeffrey James and Maude Madison deliver solutions-oriented, positive action climate change news. Their mission is to help you feel less overwhelmed, less anxiety and better prepared to grapple with climate change.
The Climate Daily brings people together, provides strategies and offers solutions, and all in about eight minutes!
Did you know there are people in all walks of life who are taking action to combat climate change? That’s why The Climate Daily exists: to educate intelligent, curious people like you who care about working to combat climate change but who aren’t climate change experts. The Climate Daily podcast shares stories of people working together, especially BIPOC communities, working to limit the effects of Climate Change.
TCD Best of: Triple crown hiker, Will “Akuna” Robinson, plus Louisiana Outdoors Outreach Program. SheChangesClimate.Org, and Fund Nature, plus Fund the Future!
TCD Best of: California Man Stalks Beverly Hills in 100 Lb. Trash Suit, California Sets Clean Energy Record, Gov. Gavin Newsom Wants California to Recycle Way More!