Episode cover
Law & Order: Wanted: Kissed or Alive
July 20, 2024 · 171 min

Join hosts Aureo, Irvin, Sophia, and our guest Charles Boyd as they discuss law and order in the Wizarding World. 

Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-39-law-amp-order-wanted-kissed-or-alive 

In this episode:

Deep dive into wizarding law Who is your second - we try to understand duels We need more lawyers Trials seem to be just an act, but at least they’re done by lunch Differences between jail and prison explained The Wizarding World seems to mirror… Muggle Russia? Dumbledore will not be stopped by Fudge Wand snapping seems to be a logistical nightmare Always ask for consent before administrating a dementor’s kiss! Fudge, the evil mastermind Crookshanks will be the best prison warden

Resources:Harry’s Mercy by Irvin

Listen to the Pub's Jukebox here


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