In this episode, Brian Delamont returns to the podcast to talk with Keane and Heather about Romans 12:2 — what it means to be transformed by renewal of our minds, rather than being conformed by the world.
Romans 12:1-2 “God is the master designer of all transformation. Since He created humanity in His image, He has the most precise and the most boundless understanding of what we can become in His design.” 1 Peter 1:14 “It’s a moment by moment discipline to think and live in the Holy Spirit’s path for us.” “This is what He intends for us – not to be squeezed into something we’re not, but rather to have every aspect of our lives be everything He knows it can be.” “metamorphoo” - Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Matthew 17:2, Mark 9:2 “The glory God has for us is revealed as we do the things our Father does and live the lives He intends for us to live. Our transformation shatters the power the mold of conforming wants to put on us and reveals more and more of the glory of God in our lives and in our world.” Vision (the desired outcome), Intention (deciding to do it), Means (the way or ways to achieve the desired outcome) Titus 3:5 “Transformation challenges all of how I live as a human, and for renewal to happen I need to make a commitment to transformation.” “Changed thinking both comes from and results in a changed brain - literally, a renewed mind.”October Reflection:
What is your vision? (Do you genuinely want to be transformed?) What is your intention? (You must decide to change.) What is your means? (What action steps will you take to move towards the change God has for you?)What’s changing our lives:
Keane: A crawling baby Heather: The Gift of Limitations by Sara Hagerty and the boundary lines falling for us in pleasant places (Psalm 16) Brian: Stretching his skills as a musicianWeekly Spotlight: Ukarumpa International School
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