Cynthia Bargar, 76 is the author of Sleeping in the Dead Girl’s Room (Lily Poetry
Review Books), selected as a Massachusetts Book Awards 2023 Honors Poetry Book. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Sugar House Review, Ocean State Review, Lily Poetry Review, Verse Daily, On the Seawall, The Last Milkweed Anthology, and elsewhere. Cynthia is associate poetry editor at Pangyrus LitMag. She lives in Provincetown, Massachusetts.
Cynthia has had 3 careers. First, teaching video and photography to teens; then, she worked in fundraising for 30 years, with nonprofits focused on grassroots activism and social services. When she became sober 44 years ago, she found her voice and started writing.
Cynthia’s father was 28 when she was born. It was the same year his 18 year old sister, also named Cynthia Bargar, died of uncertain causes. As a newborn she occupied her aunt’s room. Throughout her life, nobody ever talked about it and she never understood exactly what happened to her father’s sister.
Many years later, as a practicing poet, Cynthia began to explore the unspoken, her aunt’s mysterious death. Her debut collection, Sleeping in the Dead Girl’s Room, is the result.
Book: Sleeping in the Dead Girl’s Room
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