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A Mouthful of Air: Poetry with Mark McGuinness

Mark McGuinness
59 episodes   Last Updated: Aug 15, 23
Poems to take your breath away. Listen to contemporary poets reading their poems and talking about what went into them. You will also hear Mark McGuinness reading classic poems and sharing his thoughts on what makes them great.


The post The Larder by Judy Brown appeared first on A Mouthful of Air.
The post Astrophil and Stella Sonnet 1 by Sir Philip Sidney appeared first on A Mouthful of Air.
The post Bede’s Sparrow by Isobel Dixon appeared first on A Mouthful of Air.
The post ‘As I push the door’ by Harry Man and Endre Ruset appeared first on A Mouthful of Air.
The post Futility by Wilfred Owen appeared first on A Mouthful of Air.
The post From The Triumph of Life by Percy Bysshe Shelley appeared first on A Mouthful of Air.
The post Song about putting a bird in a pie by Luke Samuel Yates appeared first on A Mouthful of Air.
The post The Tyger by William Blake appeared first on A Mouthful of Air.
The post In the stillness of his moment, deciding by Tom Sastry appeared first on A Mouthful of Air.
The post ‘For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry’ by Christopher Smart appeared first on A Mouthful of Air.