Episode cover
44. Standing up for yourself is a stand for others with Melina Regnier
March 20, 2024 · 61 min

When you're in the full spirit of who you want to be, nothing can hold you back. 


Melina Regnier is one courageous cookie, and her story is one of resilience, determination, and passion. 

Despite many setbacks, while pursuing her childhood dream of becoming a baker, Mel has never given up and has bounced back stronger each time.

From breaking free from a controlling relationship to the never-ending challenges of running her own cake and events businesses, her journey is a triumphant tale of overcoming obstacles and rising to every occasion. 


A recurring theme in Mel's life has been her ability to find the strength to stand on her own two feet, a journey that has served her and made a profound impact paving the way for others navigating similar paths.

Mel's story is one of grit, determination, and a whole lot of heart. It's a glorious reminder of the power we all have within us when we relentlessly pursue our dreams.


In this episode, you'll learn:

The importance of making tough choices to fight for your happiness.  How being told you can't do something is the fuel for pursuing it. That childhood hobbies can be the saviour during times of upheaval.  How to come back even stronger after years of being told you're not good enough.  The value of accepting support when you're used to being the one that offers your hand.  That when you stand up for yourself, you stand up for others.


With 25 years in the food industry, Melina is an award-winning pastry chef, cake baker, and bread maker. She's a regular at local farmers' markets and operates two businesses, Regnier Cakes and Events on Citrus, providing the space and in-house catering for memorable events, including corporate functions, personal gatherings, workshops, parties, and more!


Get in touch with Melina

Regnier Cakes:

Website: Regnier Cakes

Facebook: Regnier Cakes   

Instagram: Regniercakes  


Events on Citrus:

Website: Events on Citrus

Facebook: Events on Citrus

Instagram: events_on_citrus    


Melina Regnier on LinkedIn


If we’re not connected, let’s do it:

Website: Kim Payne   

LinkedIn: kimpayne9rok

Instagram: kimpayne_9rok  

Facebook: KimPayne9Rok


To explore your courageous journey and the steps you can take, book a free clarity call here