Episode cover
147. Navigating Transparency With The Disclosure of Multiple Offers Presented Form
August 09, 2023 · 13 min

​If you are familiar with the demand in BC's real estate market, then ​you are no stranger to competing offer​s. Multiple buyers may vie for the same property, creating a unique scenario in transactions​ called multiple offers. Join us as we explore how both sellers and buyers can navigate these challenges with confidence.​ In this episode, we break down the roles of seller and buyer representatives, clarifying who makes crucial decisions in these scenarios.

​To address this even further, three major boards​ across British Columbia ​recently introduced a "Disclosure of Multiple Offers Presented" ​(DMOP) form to promote transparency and trust​. ​Let's decode the specifics of this form, which aims to address concerns of homebuyers participating in multiple offer situations.

Discover how this form enhances communication, builds trust, and reassures buyers. Uncover its benefits, including providing concrete information about the number of offers presented to the seller and the identity of the buyer's brokerage. This shift towards transparency aims to empower buyers and manage expectations in this dynamic market.​ Toni and Jenny also address concerns of their own about the new forms.

Tune in to gain insights that will transform your understanding of competing offer situations ​and help your clients navigate the real estate landscape with confidence.