December 14, 2023 · 30 min

Every company operates differently, and what’s important to them dictates many of those decisions, processes and procedures. It’s hard to get a feel for a company until you start working, so we’re giving you a flavor of how we operate by diving into the inner workings of PTTG and what it truly means to be part of the team. 

At the heart of our company's operations lies an unwavering commitment to safety, making it our number one priority. You’ll hear our employees share the robust investment in safety programs, and witness the transformation of the company culture as safety becomes an inherent obligation and a shared responsibility.

Throughout this episode, we also touch on the significance of continuous improvement, both at an individual and organizational level, and how it contributes to fostering a culture of excellence.

What’s even more important than excellence, however, is people’s willingness to learn, even if they don’t have the skills yet to do the job. In the current climate, skilled blue-collar workers play a pivotal role, and their importance should not be underestimated. We firmly believe that for many of our positions, a college degree is not required. Instead, we ask that you work hard and train so you can reach your full potential.

Join us on this insightful journey as we unravel the inner workings of our company, exploring dedication to safety, growth opportunities, and the indispensable role of skilled workers. Through our employees’ stories, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the company's transformational culture and the importance of maintaining integrity and trust in the pursuit of excellence.

If you're curious to learn more about us or feel like PTTG might be the place for you, be sure to visit 


Key Takeaways: 

Safety should be the number one priority in any workplace, and employees should take personal and corporate responsibility to ensure everyone goes home safely every day.

Skilled trades are becoming more in demand, and PTTG recognizes the value of skills learned through training and experience, not just formal education.

Success in the workplace depends on developing a strong work ethic, continuously improving skills, and building relationships based on trust and mutual respect.


Moments to listen for: 

[07:29] Trust is key to grow any business

[12:06] Safety culture is top priority for all

[14:16] Safety is both a personal and corporate obligation

[17:35] Unique risk factors in the construction industry

[22:11] Training required for the job

[25:03] Be genuine, build relationships, and understand people's limitations