March 04, 2024 · 23 min

Picture this: You hold the key to unlocking a magical door that leads to a realm where dreams come alive, where wishes are whispered into the universe and answered with an emphatic "YES!" It's like having your very own genie, except instead of three wishes, you have an infinite supply of cosmic energy at your fingertips.

But here's the best part: manifesting isn't just about conjuring up a fancy car or a luxurious mansion (although those are pretty fabulous too!). It's about shaping your reality, transforming your mindset, and aligning yourself with the abundant universe that surrounds you.

So, whether you're a seasoned manifesting maven or just dipping your toes into this mystical pool of possibilities, prepare to be amazed as we dive into the art of intention-setting, visualization, and the power of positive affirmations. We'll explore the cosmic dance between your thoughts and the universe, revealing the secret codes that unlock a life filled with joy, abundance, and boundless opportunities.

Get ready, my friends, to take a journey where your wildest dreams merge with reality, where your imagination holds the power to shape the world around you. Together, we'll tap into the extraordinary realm of manifestation, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the impossible becomes your personal playground.

Be sure to download the Official It's Glowing Well App, the ultimate resource for tips, tools and workshops for personal & professional development. Get ready to Live well, feel beautiful, & harness the power of manifesting. Click this link and receive a guided meditation when downloading the app for free ( - app is also available in all App Stores.Loving the "It's Glowing Well" podcast? Then please make sure to submit a 5 star rating, write a review and subscribe so you can stay up to date on all the latest and greatest episodes. If you would like to donate to the show and "buy me a coffee" - please head over to this link here: Follow along with Star and everything with It's Glowing Well, head on over to Instagram @GlowingwellwithstarLove and light, namaste