Podcast cover

Love as a Business Strategy

144 episodes   Last Updated: Aug 16, 23
A podcast that brings humanity to the workplace. Each episode of LAABS busts the doors off topics that most business leaders shy away from in the workplace. Ready to have important conversations to drive real change in your organization? It starts with love. Let us show you how.


Jeff Ward is the founder and CEO of Animikii Indigenous Technology, a leading digital agency that pioneers social innovation through Indigenous technology. In this episode he shares his vision and passion with us, and highlights the amazing impact that can be made when love and purpose come together.
While many businesses prefer not to have a run-in with the EEOC, (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) many people don’t understand what the EEOC actually does. Marina Guerra talks to us about all of the ways the EEOC works to truly help people and businesses, especially when it comes to the prevention of negative workplace experiences.
Bessi Graham specializes in a very important concept: Bringing “doing good” and “making money” together. In this day and age, where greed and profit drive so much of our decision-making process, Bessi helps us understand what real success could look like - and how doing good is at the center of it.
We all want to be the very best version of ourselves, especially at the workplace - but that’s often easier said than done. Beth Ridley is an expert in just that, and in this episode she highlights what it takes to find and achieve success in our careers by tapping into our best authentic selves.
Joining us from the Netherlands, Paul ter Wal shares with us his concept of “Non-Negotiables” in the workplace - and why our individual core values are the key to passionate, creative, and engaged employees.
What does it take to become an “Authentic Leader”? Why does it matter? Candice Hung helps us explore this concept, and really dives deep into the elements that make up true self-awareness. If you’re looking to start really owning your own story, you won’t want to miss this conversation!
DEI continues to be an important topic, but it’s reached a point where so much of it is assumed, overlooked, or performative. This refreshing conversation with Maria Morukian takes a closer look at why DEI should still be focused on - and thought about differently.
In this episode, Dieter Schultz helps connect the dots between sustainability, leadership, behaviors, and love. He not only helps define what sustainability means, but really paints the picture of what it should look like.
Janine Hamner Holman’s mission is simple: to create the world of work where everyone can thrive. Well that sounds a lot like bringing humanity back to the workplace - so we had to get her on the show to find out more! This episode is full of incredible perspective and wisdom - you won’t want to miss it.
This episode finds the intersection between business and psychology, where we explore the workplace from a culture and psychological angle. Miriam Meima is a passionate and energetic executive coach, who shares with us some valuable perspective and advice around how to manage our mindsets and approaches in the workplace.