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Stories for Your Consideration

Charley Harper
8 episodes   Last Updated: Feb 22, 20
Hi. This is Charley Harper. This podcast is me, reading, to you the listener, stories that I have created and hope that you will like. Be warned. There might be some heavy content that talks about feelings that some people try to bury. I included, that's why I write, to confront those feelings.


A story for your consideration.This is my new writing project called A Guide to Swashing and Buckling. I doubt anyone will reach out but if you have, or can impersonate a very realistic convincing British, Scottish, Indian, or French accent and are willing to do stuff for free, please reach out.Anyways, talk to me @charleyharper10 on twitter to tell me what you think about this.
A story for your considerationWho doesn't love a good fun village event in the town square? Reading the crucible gave me a headache and Abby made me lose brain cells. Here's the Wikipedia page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_de_Chantraine I don't know why but I remember a very different article then what's there right now from when I read it. It had a whole thing where she was like dancing with witches and she had a lover and how someone snitched on her. It changed so I don't know what happened but I did say I would link it.
A Story For Your ConsiderationGo Ask Alice was in my mind for this. Go Ask Alice is a diary about a girl who goes through drugs and like it kinda ruins her life. It's considered a piece of classic literature so I mention it but if you don't know what it is that' what it is.
A story for your consideration. Whattcha doing?Oh, nothing much. Just bathing in the blood of my enemies.Inktober is a thing where every month of October someone makes an official 1 word promt for each day of October and then artists everywhere make an art piece based on the prompt using only ink products. Everything about this is supposed to inspire artists to create a small piece every day while giving them free rein to let them create whatever they want. From something that makes total sense and is cohesive with the prompt to what seems like having no correlation but making complete sense to the artist.
A story for your considerationLove me some roasted and toasted marshmallows and sausages.Inktober is a thing where every month of October someone makes an official 1 word promt for each day of October and then artists everywhere make an art piece based on the prompt using only ink products. Everything about this is supposed to inspire artists to create a small piece every day while giving them free rein to let them create whatever they want. From something that makes total sense and is cohesive with the prompt to what seems like having no correlation but making complete sense to the artist.
A story for your considerationA lot of times I've wondered what it was like to have a place that was a beautiful alcove that just looked picturesque and perfect. Safe from the public eye and free from pollution. so I used that for this tranquil. Suiting, right?Inktober is a thing where every month of October someone makes an official 1 word promt for each day of October and then artists everywhere make an art piece based on the prompt using only ink products. Everything about this is supposed to inspire artists to create a small piece every day while giving them free rein to let them create whatever they want. From something that makes total sense and is cohesive with the prompt to what seems like having no correlation but making complete sense to the artist.
A Story for your considerationDon't do drugs I guess. I don't recommend it. Couldn't recommend against it enough.Inktober is a thing where every month of October someone makes an official 1 word promt for each day of October and then artists everywhere make an art piece based on the prompt using only ink products. Everything about this is supposed to inspire artists to create a small piece every day while giving them free rein to let them create whatever they want. From something that makes total sense and is cohesive with the prompt to what seems like having no correlation but making complete sense to the artist.
A story for your considerationthis is just an intro to who i am as a person. feel free to skip.