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Episodes about Business News

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This is our weekly market update where we start in the US, cross to Europe and Asia and end in Australia, covering commodities and crypto on the way, and a reminder, this show is data rich, not shouty stupidity like so much on socials these days, and the purpose is to help me understand what … Continue reading "Markets Caught Saying Hello To A Hard Landing!"
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Scott Wapner and the Investment Committee debate the state of stocks as a rocky week winds down. Plus, the desk making some major moves in their portfolio, they break them down. And later, we cover the latest Calls of the Day.  Investment Committee Disclosures
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“We help credit unions find solutions to their challenges.” - Barb LowmanThank you for tuning in to The CUInsight Network, with your host, Lauren Culp, President & CEO of CUInsight. In The CUInsight Network, we take a deeper dive with the thought leaders who support the credit union community. We discuss issues and challenges facing credit unions and identify best practices to learn and grow together.My guest on today’s show is Barb Lowman, President at CUNA Strategic Services (CSS). Barb is a return guest to the podcast and shares a brief overview of her previous episode. CSS connects credit unions and leagues to the industry's top solution providers. The team at CSS understands the issues credit unions face, finds solutions to solve those problems, and distributes those solutions to credit unions of all sizes.During our conversation, Barb and I chat about the value CSS provides in connecting, collaborating, and providing solutions for the credit union system. She talks about CSS’ new webinar series, Safeguarding Your Credit Union’s Future, and shares how it was designed based on the needs and feedback of executives in the industry. Barb shares the passion and commitment of the CSS team to help credit unions thrive and better serve their members. As we look to the future, Barb shares their plan to rebrand and reimagine their strategy to continue serving the credit union industry.As we wrap up the episode, Barb talks about an upcoming trip she is excited about, a book she recommends, and the importance of being intentional and spreading kindness.Find the full show notes on cuinsight.com.Connect with Barb:Barb Lowman, President at CUNA Strategic Servicesblowman@cuna.coopcunastrategicservices.comBarb: LinkedInCSS: LinkedIn
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@markasher32 talks vaccines with our friends from  @CVSHealth, then we gives you the latest news and headlines and Paul Glans and Greg Knowles with the  Arabian National Breeders Finals drops by then our cross talk with  @Mastering_Money #health #vaccines #news #stocks #horses #Arabianhorses retire
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Political scientist and chairman of the SRF, Dr Frans Cronjé, described SA’s post-election choices as taking the high road to prosperity or the Chernobyl Option. Three months on, the outcome most South Africans wanted is becoming ever more firmly entrenched. In this interview with BizNews editor Alec Hogg, Cronjé explains why the GNU is sustainable until at least next year - and identifies two significant obstacles thereafter, which, if surpassed, will define responsible governance for a generation.
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Episode Notes The Department of Transportation officially launched a probe on Thursday into whether the loyalty programs of the four largest U.S. airlines are engaging in deceptive or noncompetitive practices, writes Airlines Reporter Meghna Maharishi.  Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg sent a letter to American, Delta, United and Southwest requesting that they provide records about their loyalty programs. The department said its probe would focus on how frequent flyer programs are impacted by extra fees and hidden pricing as well as reduced competition and choice.  The Transportation Department first announced last November it would investigate the fairness of loyalty programs.  Next, Poland-based online travel agency group eSky is buying tour operator Thomas Cook for roughly $40 million. Senior Hospitality Editor Sean O’Neill provides takeaways from the deal. O’Neill notes eSky’s acquisition is part of its strategy to expand its package holiday business in Western Europe. ESky expects the deal to increase package sales by over $255 million next year. However, O’Neill adds eSky faces challenges in reviving a tarnished brand as Thomas Cook went bankrupt in 2019.  Finally, Hyatt wants to own fewer properties, and executives say they have reached a goal of $2 billion in gross proceeds from selling real estate, writes Senior Hospitality Editor Sean O’Neill.  CEO Mark Hoplamazian said at a conference on Thursday that Hyatt will continue to selectively buy, renovate and sell properties to increase its brand portfolio. Since 2017, Hyatt has generated $5.6 billion in gross proceeds from asset sales. The company is also looking to make deals like its recent acquisition of hotel booking site Mr & Mrs Smith, which quickly added 700 hotels to Hyatt’s loyalty program and caters to Hyatt’s high-end clientele. 
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How to Protect Your Pension Fund from a Stock Market Crash Worried about the impact of a stock market crash on your pension fund? You're not alone. Market volatility can significantly affect your retirement savings, but there are strategies you can implement to safeguard your investments. Watch video https://youtu.be/e2iiYBYCUOw?si=enFe6LD0M8jt3hQG Diversify Your Portfolio: One of the best ways to protect your pension fund is through diversification. By spreading your investments across different asset classes—such as bonds, real estate, and cash—you reduce the risk of a market downturn affecting your entire portfolio. Diversification ensures that even if one asset class takes a hit, others may remain stable or even gain value. Regularly Rebalance Your Portfolio: Market conditions change over time, so it's crucial to regularly review and rebalance your portfolio. This involves adjusting your asset allocation to maintain your desired level of risk. Rebalancing helps you lock in gains from outperforming assets and reinvest them into underperforming ones, maintaining a balanced risk exposure. Consider Safe Haven Assets: Investing in safe haven assets like gold, government bonds, or cash equivalents can provide stability during market crashes. These assets tend to hold their value or even appreciate when stock markets decline, offering protection for your pension fund. Stay Informed and Seek Professional Advice: Keeping up with market trends and seeking advice from a financial advisor can help you make informed decisions. A professional can guide you on how to adjust your pension investments to minimize risks during turbulent times. Protect your retirement savings by taking proactive steps today! See also: Why Are UK Taxes So High? 10 Easy Tips To Drastically Reduce Your Tax Liability – Legally - https://youtu.be/PZ9IFiI2Tio How will Labour’s new Renters Rights Bill 2024 affect buy-to-let landlords? The Labour Party’s Renters' Rights Bill 2024 is poised to bring significant changes to the UK’s rental market, impacting both tenants and buy-to-let landlords. Understanding these changes is crucial for landlords to navigate the evolving landscape effectively. Watch video version - https://youtu.be/Wx1HXgVW1bM A Lifetime of taxes Income tax, VAT, Council Tax, Car Tax, Insurance and Travel Tax, Green Energy Taxes, BBC Licence Tax, Stamp Duty, Capital Gains Tax, Section 24, Business Taxes and the final kicker; Inheritance Tax for your dependents! You can legally reduce and mitigate your taxes and inheritance tax for your dependents. Wills and Trusts New research from Canada Life reveals that over half of UK adults (51%)1 have not written a will, nor are they currently in the process of writing one. This includes 13% of people who state they have no intention to write a will in the future. Section 24 Landlord Tax Hike Interview with Chartered Accountant and property tax specialist who reveals options and solutions to move your properties from your own name into a limited company or LLP whilst mitigating the potential HMRC pitfalls. Email charles@charleskelly.net for a free consultation on how to deal with Section 24, Wills and Trusts. Watch video now: https://youtu.be/aMuGs_ek17s #UKTaxes #TaxTips #CharlesKellyMoneyTips #FinancialFreedom #LegalTaxReduction #section24 #stampduty #PensionFundProtection #StockMarketCrash #RetirementPlanning #FinancialSecurity #Diversification #SafeHavenAssets #InvestingWisely #MoneyTips #CharlesKellyMoneyTips #FinancialAdvice
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Tässä uutisjaksossa Milla, Jyri ja Pilvi käsittelevät jälleen tietosuojamaailman kuumimmat teet..siis uutiset. Aloitamme Uberin saamasta 290 miljoonan euron sakosta koskien tiedonsiirtoja Yhdysvaltoihin, jossa onkin melkoisen monta mielenkiintoista käännöstä ja mutkaa matkassa. Miten Uber päätyi käyttämään artiklaa 49 jatkuviin tiedonsiirtoihin ja miten CNIL ja Hollannin tietosuojaviranomainen näkevät, että tapauksessa olisi pitänyt toimia? Hollannin tietosuojaviranomainen tarjoilee myös mahtavan sivaltavia teetä roiskuttavia kommentteja, joista nautimme täysin rinnoin.   Seuraavaksi käsittelemme HUS:in tietojen urkintatapausta, jossa työntekijä ymmärtämättään mitä tietosuoja merkitsi (ymmärtääkö meistä kukaan? *David Beckhamin pää ilmestyy ruutuusi*: “be honest!”), tirskisteli yli 5000 ihmisen arkaluonteisia tietoja. Miten tällainen tilanne pääsee edes tapahtumaan? Mitä HUS olisi voinu tehdä paremmin, ettei näin olisi käynyt?   Kurkistamme myös hallituksen tietosuojaan liittyvien norminpurkutalkoiden etenemisen…öh…sangen mielenkiintoisella tavalla ja päädymme pohtimaan miten virkamiesvastuu ja psykologinen turvallisuus voivatkin olla tässä todelliset ongelmat rajoittavien normien sijaan.    Salamakierroksella käsittelemme mm. Tietosuojavaltuutetun vuosikertomusta, Elon Muskin uhmaikäismäistä taistelua Brasiliaa vastaan ja Ruotsissa annettuja Apteekki-sakkoja seurantatekniikoiden käytöstä. Ja Jyri ei käsittele salamakierrosta, koska Jyri putosi kyydistä kesken kaiken.   Ota mukava asento ja nauti teestä jonka sinulle ja viidelle muulle kuuntelijallemme tarjoili Suomen vähiten palkituin TietosuojaPod!     Tykkäsitkö jaksostamme? Tue meitä täällä: https://bmc.link/privacypod4u Voit seurata TietosuojaPodia Twitterissä täältä: https://twitter.com/PodPrivacy Voit lähettää meille palautetta Twitterin yksityisviestinä, hashtagilla #tietosuojapod tai sähköpostilla tietosuojapod@protonmail.com Seuraa meitä myös Instagramissa ja LinkedInissä nimellä privacypod! Linkit: Uberin sakot: https://www.cnil.fr/en/data-transfers-outside-eu-uber-fined-eu290-million   https://www.autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/en/current/dutch-dpa-imposes-a-fine-of-290-million-euro-on-uber-because-of-transfers-of-drivers-data-to-the-us   https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jeroenterstegge_dutch-dpa-imposes-a-fine-of-290-million-euro-activity-7233764602386288640-ICsU?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop     HUS:in tirkistely: https://www.hs.fi/tutkiva/art-2000010645221.html   TSV:n vuosikertomus: https://tietosuoja.fi/-/tietosuojavaltuutetun-toimiston-toimintakertomus-2023-tietosuojatyota-muuttuvassa-digitaalisessa-maailmassa    Elon Musk vs. Brasilia: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/aug/31/x-offline-brazil-elon-musk   Apteekkisakot: https://www.imy.se/nyheter/sanktionsavgifter-mot-apoteket-och-apohem-for-overforing-av-personuppgifter-till-meta/
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Over Past Year, Working Age Population Increased by 1.8 Million; Only 1 in 32 Equal New WorkersWhat Is Happening in This Unprecedented U.S. Labor Market? April 2024 Update 
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Innovation and interest in the tech sector remain strong, despite market challenges and dips in investment. On this episode of The McKinsey Podcast, McKinsey technology experts Lareina Yee and Roger Roberts share findings from the McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2024 report. They talk with editorial director Roberta Fusaro about where innovation is exploding, interest is deepening, and investment is flowing. In our second segment, from our CEO Insights series, McKinsey partner Blair Epstein explores how successful CEOs organize their yearly communication plans, including how to manage comms through crisis.See www.mckinsey.com/privacy-policy for privacy information