In the heart of Northern Michigan, hidden in a dense cedar forest in the small town of Mesick, lies a little-known body of water called Oatly Lake. In mid-2021, a Swedish dairy alternative company that goes by the same name—Oatly—stumbled upon this body of water while mindlessly browsing the internet. For reasons that are still unclear, they sent a team to Mesick in search for answers: Who owned this lake? Was there a connection to oatmilk? Could it yield headlines in all the reputable industry trades?
They did in fact find answers, and a whole lot more…
In Episode 1 of Oatly Lake, which is in fact the only episode of Oatly Lake, podcast producer Schuyler Swenson revists the moment a Swedish-based oat drink company discovered the lake in Michigan that shares its name. Schuyler then takes listeners on a journey into the American Midwest, to the town of Mesick, to try to find answers to the burning questions this discovery raises.