Podcast cover

The Growth Project

Dr. Milt Lowder, Dr. Drew Brannon, Dr. Cory Shaffer, Dr. Brian Selman
238 episodes   Last Updated: Aug 16, 23
Our group is traditionally trained in sport and performance psychology, and in the spirit of what we do, the purpose of our podcast is to make a positive impact on your life and challenge you to think differently on topics related to growth. Through conversations with coaches, athletes, executives, and leaders of industry, we will explore and highlight the mindset and skillset required for lasting growth. Ultimately, we exist to provide you with the tools to become the best version of you. At AMPLOS, we’re passionate about helping you pursue better.


Tune in for an engaging discourse between Drs. Cory Shaffer and Brian Selman, as they explore the captivating notion of 'bold humility.' They discuss how to gracefully traverse the nuanced terrain of humility, unearthing its profound implications for individual development and interpersonal connections. Discover the depths of humility's power and why authentic self-assurance holds the potential to catalyze transformative change within our lives.
Join Drs. Drew Brannon and Cory Shaffer as they delve into the crucial yet often underestimated realm of establishing a morning routine. Exploring the psychology behind consistent habits, they illuminate the challenges in crafting an effective routine that sticks. Discover the transformative power of intentional mornings and how to overcome the difficulties of forging lasting habits.
Join Drs. Milt Lowder and Drew Brannon as they delve into the universal skill of decision-making. They explore the factors influencing good decisions, while dissecting common pitfalls that hinder effective choices. Offering a comprehensive framework for enhancing decision-making, this engaging discussion empowers listeners with invaluable tools to navigate life's daily dilemmas with confidence and clarity. Tune in to unlock the secrets of better decision-making, relevant to everyone's journey.
Join Dr. Brian Selman in an inspiring podcast conversation with Drew French, Major League Bullpen Coach for the Atlanta Braves. Coach French, a 2017 and 2021 World Series champion, shares valuable lessons on commitment and "burning the boats" in pursuit of growth and learning. Coach French and Dr. Selman also happen to be family making this episode a perfect blend of sports wisdom and personalized storytelling. Tune in for a memorable journey of triumph and dedication.
Join Dr. Brian Selman and special guest Dr. Hector Morales, retired Lieutenant Colonel and Academy Professor at West Point, National Champion Judo Coach, and current Director of International Development for the Pittsburgh Pirates, in a dynamic conversation about holistic team-building, leading through transition, and developing peak performance values. Dr. Morales shares his personal experiences in taking care of people while seeking to understand existing cultures, blending new perspectives into established frameworks, and designing environments for teams to excel.
Research shows that people tend to regret the chances they didn't take and things they didn't do more than the times they took action and lived deliberately, even when those actions didn't necessarily lead to the desired outcome. Drs. Milt Lowder and Cory Shaffer explore this topic and provide practical insights and valuable strategies to live life more intentionally and without regret, including showing appreciation, apologizing for past mistakes, and booking that trip you've always dreamed about, among many other simple, yet life-changing practices.
Join Drs. Cory Shaffer and Brian Selman as they explore the topic of finding value in both "New" and "Old" School approaches. Reflecting on a recent episode that highlighted the limitations of an "Old School" mindset, they delve into the nuances of these contrasting perspectives. With insightful examples and analysis, they uncover the sweet spot for growth, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach that lies between these two paradigms.
Join Drs. Milt Lowder and Drew Brannon as they uncover the shared traits of high performers who not only achieve remarkeable success but also exhibit an unwavering drive in their pursuit of worthy goals. They explore what makes these exceptional individuals maintain momentum and explore the strategies they employ to sustain their advancement over time. From unwavering determination to cultivating a deep sense of appreciation, discover the hidden secrets behind their lasting achievements. Tune in for an enriching discussion filled with inspiring insights and actionable strategies to unlock your own potential for continued success.
Take a deep dive into the remarkable journey of Coach Dan Lanning, the head football coach at the University of Oregon, alongside Dr. Cory Shaffer, performance coach for Oregon football. Discover the incredible path that led Lanning to his current position and gain insights into the invaluable lessons learned during his inaugural year as head coach. Join us for an engaging discussion as we explore the pivotal moments and challenges that shaped Lanning’s career, showcasing the passion and dedication that have propelled him to the top of the college football realm. 
Join Drs. Cory Shaffer and Brian Selman as they delve into the intriguing distinction between being "old school" and being "from the old school." They explore the importance of embracing contemporary methods while honoring traditional values. Discover how maintaining a growth mindset can bridge generational gaps and foster innovation in various fields. Tune in for a captivating discussion that challenges conventional wisdom and inspires a fresh perspective on personal and professional growth.