Podcast cover

The Human-Animal Connection - Pet Life Radio Original (PetLifeRadio.com)

Genie Joseph
40 episodes   Last Updated: May 10, 24
We believe animals are communicating all the time -- now it's time for us to learn to listen. Join us as we explore the 33 Principles and Healing Methods of The Human-Animal Connection. As animal lovers, we know that you share our commitment to making the world a kinder place for all creatures. Together, let's embrace the transformative healing power of The Human-Animal Connection.


Three expert animal communicators tell their stories of communicating with animals who have passed. Yes! It is possible to remain connected beyond death. And some of their helper animals joined us during the podcast to add their thoughts and feelings to our conversation about communicating “beyond the beyond.” Listen to this informative and heartfelt warming episode as Karen, Julie and Meredith from the Animal Communication Collective speak about their journey to become professional animal communicators and how their helper animals guide them and offer insight in every reading they do. EPISODE NOTES: Communicating with Animals Who Have Passed
Paloma Baerschi has been an Animal Communicator since 2001. She lives in Switzerland – and her stories of communicating with animals are nothing short of extraordinary. In this episode she talks about how she taught shelter dogs to envision their perfect life, with the perfect human. They sent their messages “out into the ether” – and some humans felt an unmistakable call to drive many miles, crossing several countries, to find their “Soul Dog.” Paloma tells how she found “her” dog this way and how you can learn to not miss these subtle messages from the dog who is waiting for you! EPISODE NOTES: Teaching Shelter Dogs to Send Telepathic Messages to their Perfect Future Owners
Zack Skow came from a high performing military family. But taking a few wrong turns almost killed him. Find out how a former alcoholic and drug addict facing liver failure at a young age – found his way back to healing and commitment to life through helping shelter dogs. Now Zack has created a program for incarcerated people to learn to train shelter dogs and prepare them to be adopted in forever homes. Over ten thousand inmates have graduated, and 500 dogs have been saved from euthanasia in shelters. Find out how these dogs changed the lives and the fate of serious offenders and helped them turn their lives around. And how loving a dog can change the fate of a man. EPISODE NOTES: Zack Skow – Pawsitive Change – How Shelter Dogs Saved a Dying Man
Is it possible that a rabbit could know more about Animal Communication than a human? It is. Find out how a rabbit trained a human to become a renowned animal communicator. Join us for a conversation with Paloma Baertschi from Switzerland on how rabbits have helped her develop her skills, have assisted with life-saving medical knowledge, and changed the course of her life forever. This episode will challenge you to view animal intelligence from a whole new perspective. EPISODE NOTES: Paloma Baerschi – How a Rabbit Taught a Human How to Communicate
Jody Teiche has been practicing holistic care for humans and dogs for decades. She is a doggie health coach that does in-depth analysis of the minute details of health and wellness when dogs are having conditions that traditional methods haven’t been able to solve. Learn some very important insights into healthy and raw food diets and how a homeopathic remedy might be just the ticket to help your dog thrive. Sometimes, we need to look outside the box and find solutions for our beloved furry friends. Jody is a Certified Pet Nutritionist and Energy Medicine Practitioner. EPISODE NOTES: Homeopathic Treatments for Dogs
Dog Photography can help shelters in so many ways. Renown photographer and rescuer Mindy Dutka describes some of the ways she uses taking beautiful pictures of shelter dogs to raise funds for shelters. She takes dogs who have been in the shelter for a very long time and need some glamor to find a home. Dutka pairs pet brands that need promotion with dogs who need homes. These photos have a life on social media, so the word gets out to rescue these special pups and seniors. Many of these dogs have been adopted because she captures the soul essence in the dog’s eyes. Learn some tips about how to take better photos of your dogs from this expert to make these images irresistible. Dutka also helps community spay and neuter programs in Mexico that do 400 animals a day working with both homeless dogs and families who can’t afford veterinary care. EPISODE NOTES: How a Dog Photographer Helps Rescues
Is it possible that your relationship with the animal who shares, (or did share their life with you) is a Divine Connection? That is what this episode explores. Do animals have individual souls? Can they come back in another body? As Will Rogers said, “If there are no dogs in Heaven, I want to go where they went.” We can learn to communicate with animals when they are with us in physical form – and even after they have passed. This is so important to experience the continuity of consciousness. We discuss the difference in the way it feels to send a message versus receiving a message. It is so important to be able to learn the difference in how it feels to see-hear-or feel messages from animals. This episode includes some eye-opening experiences of animal communication that confirms that death is just a doorway to a deeper level of connection. EPISODE NOTES: Divine Connections
With so many ethical questions relating to how humans treat animals, it can feel overwhelming. We suggest picking one area of interest that speaks to your heart. It could be protecting one species, or it could be animal welfare issues right in your neighborhood. Can you work with others who care about this issue? Can you donate to organizations that are really helping? Can you volunteer or educate lawmakers? No one can save the world alone – but together we can make a difference. This episode explores both some of the issues such as how many farm animals are being raised in terrible conditions, and animal testing – which is 95% INEFFECTIVE with humans – even if they pass animal trials. We explore one important way we can make animal testing more humane. Just thinking about doing one good thing can lift morale and give meaning to your life. Can you or your church or school or business plant milkweed to save the butterflies? There is always one thing you can do that touches your heart and gives you a feeling of camaraderie with others – and can have a powerful impact – even for one species. EPISODE NOTES: Ethical Connections
I believe that everyone can have a connection with their animal spirit guide or power animal. Often we will have more than one as each brings different wisdom. Black Hawk said that there was a time that we all could talk to animals with the same ease as we speak to other human-animals. Learn how each animal brings its own guidance and connecting with your animal guide can help us navigate the twists and turns of our life with greater ease. Perhaps you would like to learn how to see signs in clouds as is done in the Hawaiian tradition. Or to see signs in all aspects of nature. Life gets easier and richer when we can receive guidance from the animal and nature kingdoms. EPISODE NOTES: Power Animals and Spirit Guides
The spirit of a being is carried in the name. This is why it is important to choose the right name for the animal who shares your life. There are no bad names, but some names do not support the spirit of the animal to express themselves. In some cases (about 15%) when I work with clients who perhaps adopted a shelter dog with the “wrong” name – and they are curious to discover a better name. When we find the right name, much behavior improves. Dogs can easily learn new names, and when we find their “true” name – their spirit blossoms. In this episode we explore some stories of animals who had a name that didn’t serve them – and what changed in their lives when we found their right name. EPISODE NOTES: The Power of Names