Podcast cover

The Real Estate Roundtable with Jackie Ruddy, Century 21 Jack Ruddy Real Estate

Jackie Ruddy
200 episodes   Last Updated: May 19, 24

Our radio show explores all aspects of real estate—from buying and selling to home design and maintenance, featuring expert tips and insights on a variety of related topics. After our show airs you can then catch it on your favorite podcast app. Our podcast is available Sunday afternoons.


For the pool enthusiasts  this show is for you! Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to softer, silkier water. Your skin, eyes and hair will thank you. Plus you’ll spend less time balancing chemicals, less money on supplies and more time enjoying the water and your summer. Join this episode of the Real Estate Roundtable to learn more.
Is this the year you decided to get a pool? We’ll talk about types, sizes, and shapes plus what’s trending and popular. What will it cost and how long will installation take? We answer these and many more questions on this episode of the Real Estate Roundtable. 
We sit down with a local farmer and gain insights on the daily challenges they face. Of course they’re at the mercy of the weather and other things. They transcend their challenges by providing educational opportunities for the public. These events are available on their farm on the weekends, and are designed to teach those who wish to learn aspects of farming. We’ll talk all about it on this episode of the Real Estate Roundtable.
Are you over the prices of organic herbs and vegetables? By growing your own herbs and veggies you’re not only saving money but you have control over what goes into your food, ensuring that you and your family are eating fresh nutritious food. Growing chemical free produce in your kitchen or backyard is in! Listen and learn during this episode of the Real Estate Roundtable.
Do you feel weighed down by all the things you saved over the years? Can you fit one more thing in that attic, garage or storage area? Is it time to liberate yourself and your life from stuff? There is a company that wilk do all the heavy lifting -they remove things like mattresses tires furniture —You name it they usually take it-there are a few exceptions. Before you change your mind, get it scheduled quickly. You’ll feel so good when it’s done.  We’ll talk all about it on this episode of the Real Estate Roundtable with Century 21 Jack Ruddy Real Estate.
When your life suddenly gives you the monumental task of cleaning out a property containing years of accumulated personal items, where do you begin? It can be overwhelming. There’s a difference between a cleanout service and a cleaning service. These items do not have to go into a dumpster or a landfill, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Tune in for an interesting episode of the Real Estate Roundtable with Century 21 Jack Ruddy Real Estate.
On this episode of the Real Estate Roundtable our interior decorator guest shares  design tricks for decorating small rooms. He’ll tell us where to spend money when decorating a room, and where to save money when on a budget. He’ll also talk about appointing the porch, deck, and patio – what to do and how to do it. Listen in for all the latest  information.
Create a warmer and cozier interior. Woods are back in the kitchen. The waterfall is a new design trend in kitchen counters. The kitchen island is larger, different and multifunctional. By the way the butlers pantry is huge.  All this and more on this broadcast of the Real Estate Roundtable.
There is a flower show coming to Scranton! You don’t have to travel to Philly!Also, there’s a free tree giveaway day on the horizon with over 40 different varieties of trees to choose from. It’s almost garden time but some overly enthusiastic people start too soon - our expert will give us the best advice so you don’t have to plant twice. Be sure to tune into this episode of the Real EState Roundtable with Century 21 Jack Ruddy Real Estate for great tips.
There are benefits of growing herbs at home for culinary purposes, medicinal uses and attracting beneficial pollinators to your garden. If you don’t know how to do this or you do not have the space to do this, you can learn from a nonprofit place in our area that is hiding in plain sight. For all the details, be sure to give this show a listen.