Podcast cover

The DiscoverU Life Podcast

DiscoverU Life
85 episodes   Last Updated: May 02, 24
Through conversations with pretty cool Muslims, people of Dua, of Ihsan, people who found a way to walk their dreams with Islamic excellence...we take you on a path of discovery. This is the podcast where you.discover.you.


Gratitude isn’t just a source of piling on good deeds, it’s also a source of sustenance. In this video, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) talked about the power of making a difference, even in obscurity.  Pick up a thankful attitude towards Allah’s blessings, for gratitude brings you more opportunities to connect with your Creator. And also requires you to take action and alleviate anxiety. This session serves as a beacon of guidance, reminding us of the timeless wisdom found through the words of Allah (swt). So, embrace simplicity, be thankful (even when there’s no need), and strive to make a difference – a change so powerful it could shake the entire system.
When Ramadan ends, it’s only natural to get sucked into our same ‘ol routine.Anxiety creeps in through the doorways we’ve been trying to bolt shut.But when we start to lose the momentum we vowed to maintain throughout the year…We’re hit with a round of disappointment - beating ourselves up for not being able to stay consistent in our pursuit of Allah (swt).Then comes the pressure from falling short in our daily spiritual habits.And when these dots connect, the pattern takes a frightening shape......threatening to put us in zombie mode while our blocks start to resurface.Look, we’re all humans. Falling short is a blessing in disguise because it’s an opportunity to strengthen our ties with our Creator.But when you learn to steer your personality and emotions to remain unbelievably calm in the face of adversities…That’s when you bury the triggers hidden inside your old self and cover them up with newfound spiritual habits......that keep you on the path you set on in the first place.You’re not meant to fail, you have every strength to push yourself and prolong your spiritual high for as long as you can.As. Long. As. You. Can.
Even a small fly can distract us during Salah. But when it came to Umar (RA) even a deadly poisoned knife wasn’t able to spoil his unwavering commitment.The resilience shown by the Imam, who continued leading the Salah despite being gravely injured……serves as a reminder of the Khushu we seem to have lost.Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) talks about Salah not just being a ritualistic worship but a fundamental pillar upon which our faith stands.It’s not just a routine but a transformative experience.It’s a sacred dialogue with Allah. Through Salah, we build a spiritual fortress that shields us from the pitfalls of sin and guides us toward righteousness.As we pray heavily during these last 10 nights of Ramadan, let us heed the words of Allah and His Messenger (PBUH)…Recognizing Salah as a beacon of guidance in our lives. May our prayers serve as a source of strength, drawing us closer to Allah (swt).
With deep insights and practical advice, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) talked about the journey of self-reflection, spiritual growth, and devotion during this blessed month of Ramadan.It’s a month of preparation for the Akhirah, setting actionable and realistic goals for this Dunya, and making powerful Dream Duas.This podcast focuses on fasting, seeking forgiveness, and engaging in acts of charity and kindness.From practical tools for maximizing the productivity of our deeds without our blocks holding us down…Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) helps you navigate the challenges of Ramadan with grace and Niyah.After listening to this podcast, you'll walk away with a clear roadmap to make the most of Ramadan and draw closer to Allah.
Are you doubting your capability of fasting this Ramadan?There’s always a health concern nearly everyone has.And why shouldn’t they? Because changing an entire routine for a month is a pretty big and bold change.Your body takes time to adapt to the new schedule. But know that it doesn’t make you weak.In fact, fasting can rejuvenate your body, strengthen your faith, and get you closer to Allah (swt).In this video, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) dropped gems about the importance of fasting…Why it’s a BIG improvement in our health, and what eating habits we need to be mindful of.And how to strike the perfect balance between indulgence and moderation, and make sure that your iftar and suhoor meals nourish your body without draining your energy.
 Metaphors shape our behaviors and experiences, they can change the way we see Ramadan.Every Ramadan, we get overwhelmed with too many obligations, only to end up burning out, losing Khushu in Ibadah, and spiritually exhausting ourselves.So, here’s a trick you can use to change the way you see Ramadan: MetaphorsThis month is a time for spiritual rejuvenation, community building, and personal growth.Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) underscores how coming up with certain metaphors for this month can influence our mindset and actions…Guiding people like us to reflect on their own perceptions of Ramadan and its significance in their lives.
Ramadan is almost here, are…you…ready?It’s a period for spiritual renewal, where we must break through our daily mandate habits and realign our focus with the teachings of Allah (swt).Through intentionality (Nia) and repentance (Toba)…Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) always emphasized setting achievable spiritual goals during Ramadan.Because if we try to do everything, we’ll end up burning out and wasting this precious gift.So, know that it’s okay to fall short, as long as you’re consistent.
Life’s a test and it’s going to throw obstacles in your path. The only way to move forward without breaking down is through patience. When you’re hurting, it’s not a punishment, it’s a signal for you to pay attention to. There’s something you should be focusing on, not the pain, but where it’s directing towards. And when you resist the temptations your nafs tackles you with… And be laser-focused on your purpose: to keep your journey aligned with Allah (swt)… …through powerful Duas, Sabr, and Tawakkul in Allah (swt).  In this video, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) inspires you to embrace patience……as opportunities for spiritual growth and strength-building.
The success of others is what fuels our desire to do more, and to move forward with hope.  It might also make you “jealous” in some part of your heart, but as long as it’s constructive, you’re good.  We’re all feeling stuck at some point in our lives, be it family, work, or connection with Allah.  And we do know that Dua is the language of the heart and a heartfelt conversation with Him (swt).  But how to make Duas that actually bring a positive change in your life?  What makes a person consistently obsessed with doing whatever it takes to achieve?   That’s what our guest Husain Abdullah has shared in this interview.  How Allah carved his journey from being an NFL Football Player to guiding the Ummah to Deen.
It's okay to aim high when we talk to Allah.We don't have to be afraid of being disappointed if we dream big.Instead, we should believe that Allah can make amazing things happen when we ask Him for stuff.Feeling bad about our mistakes shouldn't stop us from praying for big things.We should always hope for good things and ask Allah for help, no matter what.Forget about being "realistic,".Think outside the box and dream a little bigger. So you can learn how to make your Duas super powerful and exciting.