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Positive Solutions 4 Life-Transforming Your Mind & Body from the Inside Out

Peggy Meyer
81 episodes   Last Updated: May 10, 24
Positive Solutions 4 Life is a twice a week podcast centered around transforming your mind and body from the inside out by mastering your inner mental game so you can live the life you truly desire. If you love reading or listening to self-improvement books or podcasts, or follow one of the many experts in personal growth out there, then this podcast is for you! Tune in weekly where you will find top tips, tricks, and strategies to master the skills needed to optimize your life and reach your full potential. Discussions center around mindset, habits, productivity, time management, goal setting and achieving, and much more! Friday episodes are guest interviews or a book summary of a recent personal development book Peggy has read. Hosted by Peggy Meyer, Clinical Social Worker with 20+ years of mental health counseling experience, along with her continued passion to learn anything personal growth from leading experts such as Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Dr. Benjamin Hardy, Mel Robbins, Brian Tracy, and many, many more, Peggy shares what she learns and transforms it into positive solutions that you can use right away to optimize your life, your health and your business. Follow on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/positive.sol.3/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peggy-meyer-b5948418/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/positivesolutions4life/ YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@positivesolutions4life Join my free Facebook group, Strivers of Personal Growth: https://www.facebook.com/groups/striversofpersonalgrowth


Eva Medilek is a certified high-performance coach, international speaker, #1 best-selling author, and a certified diversity and inclusion communications trainer. She believes that we cannot achieve social change without personal development. As a trainer, coach, and facilitator, Eva’s coaching process leads you to discovery, methods, and outcomes that improve and enhance the quality of your personal and professional life. Her coaching process allows you to show up on your “A” game at home, at work, and in your communities.
This month Peggy is talking about her top 5 moral values she strives to uphold. This episode talk about Integrity. Integrity shapes our character, guides our actions, and influences our relationships. It helps us build trust with others and feel good about ourselves. In living with integrity you can become a positive role model for those around you, a leader, just by being true to your own morals and values and in doing so you live a more meaningful life, aligned with who you really are and who you are meant to be.
Sophie Luxton is an Erotic Liberator, a Sensual Movement teacher and a certified Pleasure Coach. She has been leading women through transformational experiences for over 20 years and is known for creating spaces for women to access their most powerful, real, alive and juicy selves. All of her work is based on listening to, moving into and expressing through the body.
Today is all about honesty--what it is, what it is not and why it is important to make honesty YOUR best policy. Peggy makes the argument that the 'little white lies' do really hurt you and others. That even though they are socially acceptable, those lies can lead to more and bigger lies in the future as one can rationalize or justify lying. The discussion also centers around why people lie, and how lying and being dishonest affects a person mentally, emotionally, physically, their behaviors and their relationships with others.
Jamie Propst seems to have done it all by starting from scratch. She loves to figure things out, try new things, problem solve, learn from others and teach others what she has learned. From selling items on Facebook to starting Facebook groups to connect like-minded people, then turning that into coaching entrepreneurs and others to do the same. Jamie loves to learn, build systems and analyze what works and what doesn’t, then share what she learns by bringing people together into a community online and in person. She has done it in different industries from horses, to cattle, to entrepreneurial groups and even the fishing world!
What’s the difference between 'Doing Your Best' and 'Being the Best'? In this video, Peggy explains the difference.
Dr. Karen is all about Healing Hearts & Inspiring Minds. Dr. Karen is a grief recovery expert, retreat center founder, mindset facilitator, speaker, and author. She is a guiding light who has transformed the lives of hundreds-of-thousands of individuals around the world over the past 3 decades through her international coaching experiences. In addition, she maintains a private practice, is the founder of The VillaVision Wellness & Retreat Center, a sanctuary of tranquility, and she has a new book out, called "Healthy Grief".
We have lots of choices each day, from what time we get up, how we spend our time, what we choose to eat and wear, what roads we drive on. Some choices are easy to make, yet others are very hard. Some we can make quickly and others take more of our time. Have you ever wondered or thought about the different decisions you make and how you made them? How sometimes it is easier to stick with a decision you make, and other times it feels like you have to decide over and over again? What is the difference between making a decision and deciding?
This is Part 4 of 4 of a presentation Peggy Meyer did for the Southern Prairie ELCA Conference on Awareness of Mental Health: How it Affects the Way We Think, Feel and Act. In this part, Peggy discusses how you can influence the psychological, social, and environmental factors that influence mental health for yourself and others as well as some resources. *Permission was given by the participants and conference hosts for this presentation to be recorded. If you would like Peggy to present this topic to your organization or at your next conference, please contact her.
This is Part 3 of 4 of a presentation Peggy Meyer did for the Southern Prairie ELCA Conference on Awareness of Mental Health: How it Affects the Way We Think, Feel and Act.